Powell River Academy of Music

Choral Conducting

The choral-conducting course examines what lies behind the art and craft of conducting, the role and responsibilities of the conductor and the complex relationship between conductor and performer.

The course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the technical aspects of gesture. Students will study gesture as it relates to conveying musical ideas in a clear convincing manner. Additional topics of study include; voice production, languages, blend, repertoire, keyboard skills, keyboard harmony, score-reading and analysis, rehearsal technique, arts management and promotion.

In addition to their studies students will have the opportunity to work with one of the many established performing ensembles at the Academy in rehearsal and performance.

Admission by interview and audition - contact the office for details.

For further information, please contact the Academy
Tel.: +1 604 485 9633; e-mail: info@powellriveracademy.org


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