Powell River Academy of Music

Annual Registration Form

Registration Ongoing - All ages and abilities welcome!

Upon completion of this form, you will be contacted by a faculty member or office staff regarding lesson availability.

Please fill out one form per student per school year.
Returning students: please be sure you have confirmed your time with your teacher and call the office to arrange payment. Payment information is destroyed at the end of each year.

Note: If you are registering for Dance, you must have already submitted a registration request with the Laszlo Tamasik Dance Academy in order to reserve a spot.

Name of student (required)
(as it should appear in a program)



Birthdate (required) Year Month Day
School (if applicable)
Grade (if applicable)

Name of Parent or Guardian (if applicable)



Street Address
Postal Code
Phone (home)
Phone (work or cell)
Email for billing & tax receipt (required)
Re-enter email address

  I wish to register for:(minimum 1 selection required)

I would not like to receive concert information by email
I do not permit my child's name and/or photo to be used in any Academy publications including newspaper articles and web pages
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of registration (below)

Payments are setup after a lesson time has been agreed upon with an available feculty member. All payments are due in advance. Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, cash, debit or 10 postdated cheques.




Registration begins on the Tuesday after Labour Day and continues throughout the year as space permits. Classes and lessons resume the following week. Schedules are to be confirmed with each instructor.

There is an annual registration fee of $30.00 per individual or $45.00 per household. This non-refundable fee is a prerequisite to registering in any Academy program and is charged once for the academic year (September - June). If you join us after mid-year, registration fees may be reduced by half.

Academic Year
Classes and lessons typically follow the school calendar: recognizing statutory holidays, winter break and spring break. Classes take place on school Pro-D days, and schedules are ultimately to be confirmed with each instructor.

Registration Process & Tuition Fees
For all programs, the student or participant (or their parent/guardian) completes a registration request on the website. Please be sure to include a valid email address, as this will be used to provide invoices and receipts. Please ensure that your payment information is kept up to date with the academy office, and that you have sufficient funds when payments are due.

Private Lessons:
- Office staff forwards requests to instructor(s).
- Instructor contacts student to discuss availability, then confirm lesson schedule.
- After confirming a lesson schedule, student (or payee) calls the office with their credit card information for file (or, if no credit card is available, discuss prepayment options).
- Office staff invoice and charge student accounts monthly for total lessons scheduled that month. Both an invoice and receipt are sent via email.

We understand that schedules change. Communicate with the instructor regarding adding or modifying lesson times. Outstanding fees may result in suspension of lessons.

Session Group Programs:
- Minimum enrollment requirements must first be met, then office staff will contact interested individuals to confirm registration and receive payment for the full session.
- Payment is processed and both an invoice and receipt are sent via email.
- Program instructor communicates with participants as required before and during the session.

Annual Group Programs:
- After registration, group programs start, and at the earliest convenience of the office, participants' accounts are created or updated, and a full invoice is sent.
- Payments may be paid in full, or to make payment easier, may be divided into a ten-installment plan.
- Installment payments are processed on the first office day of the month and, regardless of the last day of the program, the tenth installment is still due in June.

Cancellation Policy
- In consideration of the instructor, it is understood that registration is for the full term of lessons and that the student has an agreement with the teacher to commit and pay for all scheduled lessons for the year.
- If a lesson will be missed, students are asked to notify the instructor in advance so that they are not left waiting. Preferred method of communication is determined with the instructor.
- Students are not billed for lessons that are canceled by the instructor.
- Cancellations due to unsafe weather & illness will be up to the discretion of the instructor and parents/students.

It is understood that a student registering during the school year intends to continue lessons for the balance of the year. If a student needs to withdraw, the instructor must receive notice fourteen days in advance. In the case of a sudden withdrawal, the student account is charged as usual for two weeks.